Hikari no hoshi Webmaster/Webmistress
Cantidad de envíos : 589
Edad : 31
Localización : Where the sakura leaves dont fall anymore
Humor : espontánea con complejo de cantante
Character Mi Club: Sakura&Shaoran Rol: Aiko Nara - Artemis no sekai Chronicles // Mokona Modoki
| Tema: Utada Hikaru en contra de su propio álbum 26.10.10 19:00 | |
| Utada Hikaru en contra de su propio álbumLa disquera Universal Japan, encargada de la carrera artística de Utada Hikaru, decidió lanzar el 24 de Noviembre tanto el álbum “Utada The Best” como el “Utada Hikaru SINGLE COLLECTION VOL.2.”,sin el acuedo total con ella. De modo que, la misma Utada Hikaruanunció en Twitter que deseaba que sus fans en verdad no tuvieran quecomprar su nuevo álbum; pues este no posee material nuevo para nada. Alparecer es un punto a favor de Hikki; ya que el “Utada The Best” es unamera recopilación de sus mejores temas en inglés. El “Utada HikaruSINGLE COLLECTION VOL.2.”, según se especula sí tendrá material nuevo,pero resta saber cómo va esta riña entre a disquera y Utada para estarseguros de si se concretará la venta.
Kobato_moe Ser mágico
Cantidad de envíos : 46
Edad : 30
Localización : PERÚ
Humor : Drewdrops ... tsubasa y kobato: KAZE NO MACHI E
| Tema: Re: Utada Hikaru en contra de su propio álbum 02.11.10 13:54 | |
| ESTA EN HIATUS DICES!!! por que! me parece que es de la mala leche hacerle eso, porque se supone que ella es quien controla sus discos y sus singles. No debieron lanzarlo sin su permiso. Y ahora Hikaru no querra más!!! No puede ser, malditos de la disquera!
esta en todas las paginas! se pone el nombre y sale todo lo del hiartus, que feo! Utada Hikaru is upset with the media for misportrayal of her hiatus - Citación :
- I’ve gotta get this said
I can’t keep quiet about this.In an article by Sponichi about me there’s this comment ofMiyake-san, the producer of EMI, which says he “represents my feeling,”And I was like “What the?!” - totally surprised, when I saw it.It doesn’t represent my feeling very well (lol)Put simply, his comment is like “Being famous at the age of 15 madeher unable to go to McDonalds and Shibuya 109. It seems she feels she’sgot a lot, lost a lot.” Something like that.I was so surprises as it totally missed the point, so I calledMiyake-san to ask for the details. To ask him what was wrong with hiscomments. To ask him to explain about it.Miyake-san said Sponichi made a call and he responded to it. ThenSponichi tweaked what he said, plus they mixed what he had said in aninterview done like 10 years ago, and voila - that his comment wascreated. He told me this time he didn’t say something like that.Well I can understand it, since I had the same experience, like theydeveloped something that wasn’t in line with what I intended, bytweaking the content of interview with me. butBut, this is justToo much~!It’s too different from what I’m feeling! (´;ω;`) *cries*McDonalds, 109 and such . . . it’s ridiculous_| ̄|○Maybe they wrote it that way thinking gossip-lovers would snap at it if they used some well-known proper names.Matter of fact, I go to fast-food shops, use the restroom at convenience stores, take trains just normally_| ̄|○I really can’t take it if people think I would go on a hiatus from next year due to such low-level reason! (lol)Well apart from that, the important thing isI don’t think “I’ve lost a lot!”What’s “to lost”?!You keep getting things as long as you live!Don’t you?(*´ー`*)At least I live everyday with such a thought.That’s all for now! “(`(エ)´)ノ彡☆ !! alguien haga traduccion! |